Where did all this start?

Like so many, I started running because I saw myself on a downward spiral of poor health and bad habits. After googling what a ‘good 10k time is’, I set myself a target to run 10k in under 50 minutes. Twenty four hours later I accomplished that and so my running journey began.

Over the years, I have relied upon it to help me through tough periods in life. I have found the solitude it offers a chance to process my thoughts. I inevitably return home a better human than when I left.

I have also found many of my closest friends through the sport. One thing all runners have in common is…err, well, running! And running is a great way to socialise. Talking helps modify the intensity of our easy runs and also helps the miles tick by quickly.

I have worked my way through many different disciplines, road to trail and 5k to 50miles, to find myself focusing more on ultra running in the recent past. I have found good success in races podiuming in all ten ultramarathons I have entered. However, and more importantly, I have found a balance to my running that allows me to enjoy it while remaining healthy and competitive, improving week on week, month on month. Recently, I have chosen to take on a few coaching clients of my own to help them maximise their performance and enjoyment in the sport. I am a UESCA certified coach.

Outside of running, I work as a GP registrar in Cornwall. I have ambitions to branch into expedition medicine in the future to combine my love of the outdoors with my passion for helping people. I think the skills required for run coaching and being a doctor overlap immensely - empathiser, master motivator, educator, objective bystander, psychologist.

I have a beautiful wife and two incredible children. They have motivated and supported me through my running career. We love to get outdoors and explore and have grand plans to see the world in the future.