Trail Running Retreats in

Central Portugal

After moving to Central Portugal and basing my own run training in the Açor mountain range, it dawned on me that I was running in one of the most beautiful and varied landscapes on earth and I WAS ALONE. My trail running retreats are a way to share this place with the running world while helping to grow the community through shared experience

All of the proposed itinerary is flexible and can be varied to suit a wide range of runners. I want to give you the chance to explore this amazing place but still get home energised and ready to build of what is sure to be a great training experience.



Airport collection from Porto late afternoon (about 1730)

2hr drive to retreat HQ. I suggest a stop on the way down to shake the legs out either in the form of a hike or 30-40min jog but always with a river dip afterwards!

Host prepared meal and briefing on arrival at retreat HQ

August 30th

1hr drive to the trails of Piodao (15-20k) in the Serra do Acor. Run time - 3-4hr

The afternoon will be spent beside the river beach at Piodao or Foz D’Egua and lunch from the local cafes or packed lunch. Dinner will be from a local restaurant to test out the Portuguese cuisine

31st August

1st September

15min drive to Benfeita to explore the trails (10k) and visit Fraga da Pena, a waterfall and amazing swim spot. Run time - 1.5-2hr

Lunch will be from the Benfeita cafe and dinner back at retreat HQ.

2nd September

Trails from the doorstep arriving at Folques river beach. Run time - 2-3hr

Packed lunch at the river beach, drinks available from the bar

Dinner at the apartment or at a restaurant

3rd September

25min drive to explore the trails (10-15k) around Poco da Cesta and Fajao. A cafe stop on the way round and plenty of time to take in the views with a packed lunch. Run time - 1.5-3hr

Farewell dinner will be a BBQ at the river beach. Think swimming, burgers and a beer from the bar

4th September

Prompt start and transfer to Serra da Lousa. Here we’ll explore the Serra da Lousa. Run time - 1.5-3hrs. River dip to clean up before travel

Stop in Coimbra for lunch before departing for the Airport. I will get you there 2.5-3hrs before scheduled flight departure

What’s Included

  • Daily guided trail adventures

  • 5-nights accommodation - Mixed dormitory with separate open plan living and bathroom

  • Airport transfer from Porto airport (time of group collection will be specified)

  • Pre-stocked kitchen (for self-catering) including run nutrition

  • Transport to and from the daily trail adventures

  • Access to bikes for self-sufficient transport and exploration

  • Access to me as a coach where you can ask training questions and learn about my approach to training

Whats Not Included

  • Flights

  • Travel Insurance

  • Additional food and drink beyond that supplied in the kitchen, including any meals eaten at cafes and restaurants

  • Anything else beyond that mentioned in ‘What’s included’ section

Cost: £650/€750pp

Get in touch to register your interest


  • "Jamie's retreat was the perfect combination of running, adventuring, local exploring and rest-time"

    Sam (Cornwall)

  • "The first thing coming to my mind regarding the running retreat in Portugal with Jamie is that I want to do it again next year"

    Petr (London)

  • "Jamie and his family welcomed us into his house with complete open arms. The accommodation was set up perfectly. The fridge was full and lucky for me the boys did all the cooking. I would give Jamie's cooking a solid 5/5"

    Anna (Dorset)

  • "I really appreciated the educational aspect of the retreat as well. It was expertise packed"

    Petr (London)

  • "This was definitely a fully-inclusive affair, with real emphasis on the team element"

    Sam (Conrwall)

  • "Where I hadn't done as much training leading up to the retreat, Jamie was really accommodating and set my sessions to my ability"

    Anna (Dorset)