The Coaching Programme

Who is it for?

Running coaching has long been considered something reserved for the elites. However, anybody can benefit from it. Running is a skill that needs training like any other sport. If you find yourself:

  • Feeling demotivated

  • Struggling with consistency in your training

  • Suffering from frequent injuries

  • Not knowing which direction to go with your training

Then you could likely benefit the most.

How does it work?

  1. Initial consultation to discuss YOU and your goals

  2. Training block overview so you know where your training is going

  3. Weekly workout schedule delivered over Final Surge

  4. Client feedback daily so we can monitor your fitness and fatigue

  5. Adapted schedule based on your response to the training stimulus


What’s included?

  • Bespoke training plan

  • Weekly workout schedule

  • Strength training

  • Final Surge account

  • Key session analysis

  • Nutrition and kit advice

  • Unlimited contact via email, SMS and phone

  • 20% discount on my trail running retreats

£100 per month

Find Consistency,

Find Enjoyment